

Canfield Visia專業皮膚圖像分析系統

  • 料號:美國

商品詳細介紹Product Introduction

Easily Capture High Quality, Standardized Facial Images

VISIA's multi-point positioning system and live image overlay make it easy to capture perfectly registered images to document progress over time.
Rotating capture module easily captures left, right and frontal facial views.

**Clear Communication**
Select personalized recommendations from VISIA's built-in library of skin care products and treatments. Your staff will sell rejuvenation and skin care treatments more effectively with clear recommendations combined with the visual impact of VISIA Skin Analysis. Your recommendations also appear in the printed report and in the ViewMyConsult web portal.

With ViewMyConsult, stay connected with clients as they consider the possibilities of aesthetic procedures. Clients can view their pictures, treatment recommendations, and treatment progress at home using a secure, password-protected web portal.

Personalized Printed Reports record easy to understand information for use in client education and treatment planning. Reports also serve as a valuable aid for increasing referrals.